Put Away Your Attempts At Cunning Craftiness – If You Want Us To Picket Your Laramie Project – Say When & Where – We’ll Be There!

Send the invite & we'll RSVP ASAP! =D


I am directing "The Laramie Project" at [Doomed american High School in God-hating City, any day of the year]. The kids are concerned that your group might picket.

Is there any way that we can guarantee that your group won’t show up?

Just concerned for them.

Thank you.

Miss Buttress


Hello Ms. Buttress

Your e-mail is a lie.  You don’t have any concern for those children.  You will feed those children lies, and watch gleefully while they sprint to hell.  You hate those children.  You are embroiled in some filthy sin your own self, so like every other  adult they encounter in this nation (outside of the watchers at the WBC), you teach them lies out of selfish hate.  You have an everlasting non-delegable duty to tell those children to obey God, to rebuke them when they don’t, and before their eyes to yourself obey the commandments as an example to them.  You have failed in that duty.  So have all the other teachers, "preachers," journalists, parents, family, "friends," and "leaders."  Because you selfish thugs love your sin more than life itself and that is what you teach them.  By indulging this filthy fancy called the Laramie

 Project, you teach them God is a liar, and it’s OK to be gay.  Those are soul-damning twin lies.  When these children die young (at home or on the battlefield you pigs selfishly send them to), their blood will be on your hands.  When you awake in hell, they will greet you on the streets, and tear on you because they will know at that hour that you told them nothing but big fat lies.  Shame on you.

If you are most fortunate – more to the point if those children are most fortunate – if God is willing to bless them with light and hope – we will find ourselves in your city on the day you do the Laramie Project.  When we do, you will rail.  But if we do, those children will see the only words of truth or life in this world.  They are a generation without hope – at your hand!  Peradventure one of God’s little sheep is in the crowd, and if so, s/he will come out from amongst this filthy perverse untoward generation, and obey God.

Read Ezekiel 18 and 33, and do your duty to those children. Or close your vile mouth.


 Your destruction is imminent.

 Thanks for writing.

[How lame is this. This simple witch is tweaking us to get us to come there hoping to get her publicity squall on. How embarrassing. Shame on her transparently evil self]


Actually, the kids are really concerned…frightened. They viewed clips on YouTube…visited your site. Genuine concern that their hard work will be ruined. Whatever.

Miss Buttress


Dear Miss Butt – you must be related to Beavis and Butthead. Or is one of the Butt sisters – Bertha’s sisters.

If they had been taught the fear if God, which is the beginning of wisdom, they would love our words. They would know that our words are life and health and happiness if they would walk therein. You foolish elders have left them groping in darkness without hope. Thus the suicides. You stupid hating, selfish witch. You don’t learn. You do worse and more. You have brought them sorrow and misery and worse and more. You should shut your mouth and put your affairs in order and keep them that way, as rebels have no assurance of more days with God’s wrath trumpeting across the land.

Now you get blocked.

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