You Are NOT Distressed; You Are Rebellious!


To the members of the Westboro Baptist Church,


On behalf of a group of concerned students and parents from Manchester Central High School in Manchester, NH, I would like to inform you that the Maskers Drama Club of Central High School is putting on a production of "The Laramie Project" this Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 6:30.


We are concerned becasue we feel that this is a school sanctioned event spreading the wrong message to the youth in our community. We have seen your ability to make powerful statements about this kind of wrongful teaching in the past, and thought you may be interested to know about the moral injustice being done to our community.



Distraught Students and Parents of Manchester, NH



Dear pretender (and by that, I mean all those children in Manchester, NH that think they each one is more clever than the next and original) –


We already put this on our schedule.  We understand that when we put it on our schedule that the media gives you a lot of attention and then you get a lot of tickets sold.  So tell the rest of the cast to stop working so hard at this, it’s getting just plain awkward panda!  We have been to that school already to picket, so we KNOW there are no "worried" or "distressed" or "concerned" or "distraught" (and all the other phony feeeeeellllllllings that you little rodents rebels have used to try to reel us in) students at that school or in that state!  Yikers!


Thanks for the heads up, but we smelleth that skunk all the way from Manchester, NH to Topeka and it stinks! 


The time is short.  Your classes on rebellion 101, 201, 301 and more and worse are taking you directly to hell, where the worm never dies and the fire is never quenched and the torment is NEVER ending.  Never, ever, ever, ever…it goes on for ever and ever and ever, never ending.


Get the Bible, shut your mouths, put on your OBEY and not your silly play!


  Anathema, Maranatha

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