Letter To The Editor Of The Washington Post


Dear editor,


The Washington Post violated the 4th commandment today! 


You filled up the editorial page with words admitting this nation is in distress, but claimed the people will fix it by their works. 


It’s a lie!  You did not remember the Sabbath and keep it holy!  The rest you enter into on the Sabbath is resting from your works, knowing they are filthy rags in God’s eyes.  Rest and peace come from one thing-obeying God! 


You quote Roosevelt with his “we depend on each other” lie-when you should have quoted Lincoln whose mid-Civil-War-proclamation (calling for a national day of humility) said: “We have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own and become too proud to pray to the God that made us!”


You think standing a turkey-meal-line is going to turn back the wrath of God?  Hardly!  You’ve made proud sin your policy!  Your soldiers are dying for your sin.  Nothing will fix that but mourning for your sin, and stopping it!  But you will die first-you love your sin that much. 


Then you have the nerve to talk about the greatness of this nation!  You’re rotten to the core.  Ending your adultery, fornication, sodomy, murder and idolatry is not even on the table.


Then you add insult to injury trying to get SCOTUS to shut up the servants of God at the Westboro Baptist Church?  Sorry substitute for obeying your Creator!  Stop abusing his servants and obey!  That’s your only hope!

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