Kiddie-Diddling, Condom-Condoning, Slobbering-Sloppy-Agape, Lying, Bastard, Fag Priest – WAIT FOR IT – Is Ashamed Of US?!?! Wuh, wuh, wuh, WHAT?!

Catholic Priests Are Liars

My dear friends in Christ:

I was reading the Scranton Times paper on-line and saw that you are scheduled to protest at Cpl. Kridler’s funeral in Pittston, Pa this week at St. John the Evangelist Church. I am writing to you in advance of your protest in order to advise you that as a fellow Christian and as a Catholic Priest, who was reared in greater North East, Pa., I am ashamed of your behavior as Christians. Jesus Christ did not come into the world to espouse hate for sinners, but he came to preach love and forgiveness. In essence, his mission was one of preaching Repentance. Yes, I agree with you that homosexuality is a grave sin in our society, however, we are called according to Scripture "to love one another." We are called to love the sinner but denounce the sin. This is made very clear by Christ himself in the New Testament. "This is my commandment: love one another as I love you. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends." Jn 15: 11-15.

My friends, Cpl. Kridler’s death was tragic and it is painful for his family, friends and the local community. It is also a time for all of us to respect the privacy of his family. The corporal’s death has absolutely nothing to do with the problem of homosexuality in our culture. We cannot confuse issues. Cpl. Kridler, died as a hero, defending the rights of all of us here in the United States, who on a daily basis take for granted our democratic rights which including the right to free speech of which I am sure you are most well aware. As a fellow Christian, I pray that you will leave this family to grieve in peace over the loss of their son.

In closing, my dear friends I would like to remind you that your proposed action is contrary to the very Word of God, and is also contrary to the communion that which we are called to live in and to bring about through the conduct of our lives as Christians, who have received rebirth through the sacred waters of Baptism. In short, by our Baptism into the life, death and resurrection of Christ we are called to be the presence of Jesus Christ in the world. However, your hate filled speech and actions are contrary to the very essence of what it means to be a Christian in the world. I will pray that the Holy Spirit, will enlighten your minds and hearts to see the truth about your actions and that the Most Holy Spirit, will also give you the courage to Repent and to become people of love rather than hate.

Sincerely Yours in Christ,

Friar Diddler


Dear pervert –

Please tell me a Catholic priest out of Pennsylvania is not telling us he is "ashamed" of us.  Please tell me that. 

Dude – PRIESTS RAPE CHILDREN!  I’m talking hide your kids, hide your wife, hide your husband too – those bastards are raping everyone up in there! 

Shame?!  Shame?!  Are you talking to ANYONE about SHAME?!


What is wrong with you?!  You raping, lying-on-God bastards don’t get ANYTHING right!

“And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.” Matthew 23:9

Look at your hands, lying so-called Priest!  That blood is not just rectal blood from all the raping that goes on, but the blood of all those people that you have & are & will lead to hell!  God will require that at your hands!  Cut out your lying tongue before you open your mouth to lie on God EVER again! 

The blood of that dead soldier will also be required at your hand! 

Anathema, Maranatha

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