Everyone’s A Critic! ;) It Certainly Is A Curse To NOT Know (Perceive) The Joyful Sound: “Blessed Is The People That Know The Joyful Sound: They Shall Walk, O LORD, In The Light Of Thy Countenance” Psalm 89:15 – Praise & Sing Praises To Our God!


Westboro Baptist Church,

I just wanted to make a few quick comments about the parody song "Lullabye" you offer on your site. That singer is, I don’t mean to offend, absolutely horrible.

*he has no consistency in his balance of resonance,

*clean cut, traditional vowel shapes are inappropriate in a BILLY JOEL cover

*his vibrato is weak and shakey, clearly there is not enough diaphragm support

*in the phrase "You will always know" as he slides up to sol, he’s so incredibly flat. Like an entire semitone. If you’re studio vocalist has issues in his upper range, then change the key or use some pitch correction.

*there is absolutely no consistency in diction, if you’re going to strongly articulate that hard "t" sound, then you have to commit

These are just a few points that I felt needed to be made. I’m sure in time the quality of your parodies will increase, and I can’t wait to hear what new material you present in the future. Until then, have fun being a bunch of ignorant douches who suck at mocking people.

Finn Carper


Dear Finn –

Thank you so very much for your critique of the Lullabye parody

rolleye_11Vocal critics can be so harsh!    

Thankfully, we are all way too musically ignorant to give a hoot about all that blather.  What we are NOT ignorant of is the comforts that God has prepared for those that fear and obey Him.  Further, the angels and the great cloud of witnesses and the hosts of heaven are all watching and listening and they LOVE that song!  They know the melodies of Zion and they are a sweet sacrifice that is offered to our God and our God loves that sound and He loves the flittings of His little ones.  He is not such a harsh critic.

Now, if only you rebels would whip out the critique on your conduct and spend just a tiny little bit of that energy focusing on and getting to the bottom of what God loves and how He sees your proud sin and what His view of all these matters is!

Finally, when the day comes that we become as adept as a rebel at mocking and scoffing, then that will be the day we hang our heads in shame.  Our parodies are for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:12) and also for obeying this instruction from God:  Ezekiel 33:7  …I have set thee a watchman…therefore thou shalt hear the word at my mouth, and warn them from me.

We use the songs that you sing, so that we might be able to speak to you, where you live.  That Lullabye parody is NOT for warning tparty_2he rebels, but for comforting the saints!  So if you were a servant of God and looking for the Hope of our calling, you would LOVE that song.  You would not behold any ill thing in it.  In fact, you would see that the gifts that we received from God are  AMAZING!  BEAUTIFUL!  PERFECT!! 

Anathema, Maranatha



Well that does make a lot of sense. I must be honest, I sent that message under the influence of pretense, and I greatly respect the civility that was returned to me. Though we are not on the same side of the great spiritual journey, I can’t help but grow more and more intrigued by your community.

I’ve been doing a lot of research on WBC since I first came across your website, and I felt compelled to share my views with you. Clearly you have received some intensely negative scrutiny from the media, and from what I’ve found have never even participated in a fair, non-biased  interview. Every time a reporter speaks with a member of your church, he/she is unprofessional and shows no attempt to understand your stance. You are condemned by actions that are in no way unlawful, and are attacked for your beliefs. Yet, you remain steadfast in those beliefs, and persist in following what you hold to be the most accurate interpretation of scripture. Though I disagree with your stances on religion, I admire your dedication. I know you stand only for the Lord, but in my eyes you stand for the ultimate test of our country’s integrity. People watch you and wish to silence you, yet you exercise your First Ammendment Right in its rawest form. They hate you for hating, and it is a sickening thought that our society can not accept views that contrast the collective.  The fact that your church exists and practices, despite such a large majority of citizens who despise you, is a testament to true equality and inspires hope in me. You have the right to love AND to hate, and as long as you remain peaceful, I will weep the day anyone takes it away from you.

I am aware that my opinion means to nothing to you. I am a fag-loving, drug using, fornicating, Buddhist, rebel with a strong pride for the USA. We will never agree, but I respect you. I am thankful for the weight that you carry, and truly hope you can continue practicing your faith in any way you wish.


Finn Carper

PS I assure you there was no sarcasm in this message. I hope it is not interpreted in any way but earnest.


Dear Finn,

You don’t get to define terms. God does and He has.

God says that loving your neighbor means to warn them that their sin will take them to hell. We love our neighbor. Every day for almost 20 years we have warned our Doomed american neighbor. They did not hear or heed. Their destruction is imminent. The criminal thug population of Doomed america will never shut us up till our testimony is complete.



P.S. It is not too late to repent. If TODAY you will obey…



I appreciate the warning. One of these days I may abandon my faith and repent. If I ever do I promise to let you know, because believe me that will be a conversion you could really be proud of. Otherwise, I guess one of us will be saying "I told you so" from the other side. Maybe if I’m ever near Topeka I can stop by and hear your complete message.

Speaking of, all the research I found on your church never showed any stance against Buddhism. You might wanna look into it. We Buddhists refer to ourselves as a non-theistic people, and all over the country there are Buddhist Christians who incorporate the teachings of a Hindu-raised man into their practices. I felt a little left out when I saw your Dad spoke out against all of the other major world religions.

I hope the best for you and your family.

Stay strong,



Yikes. We certainly have www.godhatestheworld.com has major countries that has that as their false religious system. Check out those words. What you gonna say? Once you see that fat-bellied glutton made with man’s hands.  It’s a no-brainer.


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