You Absolutely DID Condone The Violence Against God’s People In That You Did NOT Come To Their Aid


Dear WBC,


Thank you for writing back.

I agree with you on those points about being a Christian. I definitely believe that if one is a Christian then they should be pursuing holiness and keeping themselves unstained by this world [James 1.27].Once again. I am sorry about the tires getting slashed. I had nothing to do with it and certainly do not condone it. 

So if my wife and I pursue Jesus and continue to grow in Him then would you consider us to be your fellow brother and sister in Christ? You also said in your e-mail that God does not love the world. Now, I’m not trying to start an argument or anything but I would just like to know what your interpretation of these verses are:

.the famous John 3.16 "For God so LOVED the WORLD.

Romans 8.38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present or the future or any powers, neither height nor depth nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus.

Ephesians 2.5 But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ.and 1 John 4.8 God is LOVE.

I believe that God is the definition of love. It’s not something he merely does, it is who he is. 

Now of course I don’t believe that it gives us a license to sin nor do I think everyone goes to heaven. But I do believe that God loves the entire world and desperately wants the world to come into a relationship with Him.  The only reason we can love Him is because 1 John 4.19 "We love Him because He first LOVED us.I look forward to hearing back from you. Once again. I am sorry for the way McAlester treated your church. I do not condone it at all.

In Christ,





I think you can answer the pretend question for yourself if you do the following:

Regarding John 3:16. Read the rest of the verse and then the rest of the chapter. Ephesians is written to the Saints of God and to the Faithful. So the US is the elect of God. They are the saints and faithful. None other. Likewise, Romans is written to the Beloved of God, called to be saints. The US again are those people. Elect of God. 

Yes. God is Love. It is just one of His many names. To His beloved, He is Love. He is also Jealous and a Consuming Fire. He is a Man of War. He is The Avenger. How brutish of you to pretend that The God of All The Earth is one dimensional. He promised good things and blessings to those that love and OBEY him. Cursed and hell are for the rest. 


I would call you a brother and sister when you come out from among the rebels and search God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.  Otherwise, no. You have cast your lot in with the criminals and thugs. Your lack of voice is your agreement with them.


One more thing. This paragraph cut and pasted below is what will take you to hell. In your words here you take away the sovereignty of God, when the scripture saith that it is God that worketh in you both to will and to do of HIS good pleasure. Christ said you do NOT choose me, but I choose you!  You reduce The Almighty God to a hand-wringing, blubbering, ineffectual, girly, wimp. Shame on you! His blood has no power to effectively atone for sin. Shame!!  Shame!!  Shut your mouth. 


“Now of course I don’t believe that it gives us a license to sin nor do I think everyone goes to heaven. But I do believe that God loves the entire world and desperately wants the world to come into a relationship with Him.” 


Blah. Blah. Barf. Shut up!

When you meet that God that you freely blaspheme, you can look him in the eye and if you dare, you can discuss his desperation to get His creatures to do a thing. Then, when He drop-kicks your rebel, lying ass into hell, you and your wife can spend eternity cursing one another for the lies you love and that you sold yourself to hell for. Yikes! What a horrible plan. 


See how that works for you. That wimp Christ said the worm dieth NOT. The fire is NEVER quenched. The smoke of your torment ascends up for ever and ever. We shall see who is the wimp. 


Or – Shut the lying up. Just shut up!!  For real. Shut up!!  Shut you lying mouth for ever.

Anathema Maranatha

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