“Should Fags Be Able To Adopt?” WHAT?! You Are Dumb! You Are REALLY Dumb! Fo’ Real!


Dear WBC,

My name is George Wickham and I am a student at the University of South Florida. My group and I are doing a project on gay adoption and the views that people have on this issue. Knowing your background and about your organization I was wondering if you could respond back with an email describing your view and beliefs on gay adoption in the United States and in general. This will be only used for school purposes only and your opinion would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much for your help,


George Wickham


Dear George –

Scripturally speaking, that is to say, according to the Word of God, which is the only litmus test you need, on the issue of fags getting their hands on children, don’t do it!

Romans 1 says that God has given them over to a reprobate mind, so that they do those things which are not convenient.  That is to say, they can’t think straight about anything.  So who thinks it is a good idea to send some children over to the fags to be corrupted with absolutely no hope of any understanding or proper thoughts at all?!

They’re perverts, Perfidious Wickham!  God-cursed perverts.  On any wise, when the nation claims that the judges must consider FIRST, the best interest of the child, what possible argument can be made or what possible rationale would you engage in or put forth to make a case that there is any circumstance in which it is a good idea to sentence a child to that kind of a dark, sad, filthy, perverse prison?

God hates fags. 

God hates fag enablers.

God hates america, so in fact, you need, and you will have your children given over to the fags and you need and will have fags marrying and you need and will have fags running your lives. 

You already do.smiley

Finally, by the time you see a nation that has degraded to the place that Doomed america has degraded to, you are looking at a nation that has so flipped off God that they are cursed and falling apart and too blind to see their condition and their destruction is IMMINENT!

Thanks for asking.


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