When You Are In Full-On, Fist-Raised Rebellion Against God, There Is No Room For Rational Thought Or Discussion

Semper Fi Fags

Dear WBC:
Greetings again. Thanks to your blog, my curiosity has been drawn to the Snyder case and related issues.
I’m wondering – Have you or other WBC congregants had any private conversations with the Snyder family and, if so, how did those conversations progress?
It seems to me that there’s much to be gained by people listening to each other and to gain a greater understanding of each other – regardless of whether they agree. Certainly, I feel that I’ve learned from our email exchanges and the interview in Atlanta. I  also have considerable respect for your (and your family’s) civility, straightforwardness, and responsiveness in our communications.
It seems plausible that similarly civil email exchange or private conversation with Mr. Snyder might be beneficial to all parties involved. (E.g., it may benefit your publishing ministry’s interests.) Of course, I realize that there’s a lawsuit underway, but it need not be the focus of discussion. I’d imagine that both sides have experienced grievances, regarding their feelings or beliefs. Court orders can settle certain aspects, but perhaps not the underlying grievances themselves. I suspect you know what I mean! There may be misunderstandings and questions, too, which would be worth discussing – as you and I have. (Admittedly, we are not in a comparable conflict.)
If you can imagine yourself (or other WBC congregants) in a constructive conversation with Mr. Snyder, would you feel comfortable with my contacting him to broach the idea?
Rest assured, I would not claim to represent you or speak on your behalf! Instead, I would offer to arrange/facilitate a channel of communication. (Different than, say, the legal channels.) I’d also indicate to him the degree to which you are open to a conversation.
I’ll be glad if you are amenable to communicating with him unconditionally, as you do with me. But if you have any concerns or conditions prior to a conversation, just let me know.
Thank you very much for considering this idea. I would try to handle it in a manner that respects your wishes to devote time and effort to the Church’s primary missions.
Sincerely yours,

P.S. Summary: Have you had prior private conversations with Mr. Snyder? Would you be amenable to my contacting him to open up a line of communication?




Good morning again –


Answering your questions as they appear:


1.    NO – no private discussions, the most private would be our depositions.  I have those depositions if you would like to have a read.  Oh – my dad was also deposed!

2.    That brute has ZERO interest in discussion.  He is in full on, fist-raised rebellion against God!  He was appointed to this damnation/destruction.  He MUST fill this roll.  It has the function of creating a platform for the preaching of the Word of God and for the hardening of this nation, to her destruction!  I stand amazed and humbled every day that I contemplate the role that God has given this little flock of slaughter.  He made us and found us sufficient for this task:  That entire experience, from the funeral and the details of it to this day, wherein you see the hand of God causing this nation to put so much hope in that case.  Further, it created an international platform.  Every detail was laid out by the Lord of Hosts, from the foundation of the world!  I see your words, but you MUST understand that God created him, a vessel of wrath, FITTED to destruction!  That is the ONLY reason he was born in this world!  Exactly like Pharaoh!  It would not surprise me if God did not kill this man in these coming months, JUST SO this nation can get their rage tweaked so that they will DEMAND that we must go!  We WILL go, and then, Doomed america will blow.  The oil is getting into place.  Here is one of many verses to express this concept: 


Psalm 118:23  This is the LORD’S doing; it is marvellous in our eyes.


I appreciate your thought, and if I was a cruel person, I would say – go for it, but I am not and I can tell you with NO hesitation that this man has done woefully against his own soul.  I have NO personal ax to grind with him, because God is righteous and he is the avenger of all such matters.  I just see these details and knowing the Word of God, I KNOW what this means.



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