Dio Was A Rebel Against God With No Cause; He’s In Hell!

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Dear WBC –


I live by the rule of treating others as i would like to be treated, it made me very sad to read the hate about Ronnie James dio. Just out of curiosity why didn’t you mention all of the charities he’s involved in? I must say after viewing your page you must be the most hypocritical church out there. Where did you get your information on Ronnie James Dio? did you sit down with his wife? kids? grand-kids?





Dear Greg –


He was a rebel against God.  God is no respecter of persons.  One rule for all.  Obey or go to hell.


If we talked to his wretched wife (she hated him) we would find the evidence of his rebellion.  Same with his miserable children and grandchildren.  He led them all down the path to sorrow for eternity. 

His charity cost him nothing.  He was given great wealth from God and he spit in his face.


He will be in hell for eternity where the worm never dies, the fire is never quenched, and the smoke of his torment ascends up for ever and ever.  He was not given a heart to know and fear his God. If you don’t repent you will join him.


The time is short. The destruction is imminent. Your duty remains. 

Fear God. Keep his commandments.


Anathema Maranatha.



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