Bitter Blowhard “Bad-Ass” (Barf!) Biker Bloviates (Imagine That!) -“Those That Walk In Pride He Is Able To Abase” (Daniel 4:37)


From: Proud 2 Be A Biker

Subject:  We R The Land Of The Free


y dont u bible thumpers come 2 Illinois & try to protest @1 of our fallen soldiers funerals??? r u 2 chicken??? cause us bikers would run ur nasty lowlife bible thumpin asses outta our territory!!!those soldiers fight 4 ur rights ur morons!!



Hello angry biker.


We have picketed in Illinois so many times it’s hard to keep count.  It is very clear that Illinois is a state of sissies, cowards and whores, none of you with a single edifying word to add to the debate.  It’s PERFECT that you thugs produced the Antichrist Beast Obama.


As for you angry bitter bikers – you’re getting your backsides handed to you in this war you’ve waged on God – just like you did in Vietnam and other more-recent wars.  You’re fighting for a nation who’s made God enemy #1; and when He opens His armory and takes out His weapons of mass destruction, you titmice simply have no hope.  God is only just getting warmed up; He’s been so longsuffering with you criminals-in-uniform, giving you every opportunity to put away your idols and filthy stinky manner of life, and obey His commandments.  But you think when you get on your motorcycles you have more power than God.  He sent you that delusion; and He stuck you like you’re in quicksand in that hell-bound spot.  Oh my, what woe and lamentations await this nation, and you girls on tricycles!  It is going to be an awesome thing to behold as God’s wrath pours out faster and faster, as He smacks you miscreants right-and-left, and as it builds up to your final destruction.  We pray fervently for it every day; God hears the prayers of the righteous; He does not hear the prayers of the wicked, when they open their grease-trap-holes and pray to their dunghill goddesses.


Of course, if there was any truth to your claim that the soldiers fought for our right to speak – they would not be in a frenzy trying to stop us from speaking.  That is NOT what they fought/fight for.  Rather they fight for same-sex marriage, homosexuality, inflated pay and benefits packages, and their deep-rooted craving to strut around like a bunch of bad-asses on the world stage.  Meanwhile the nations of the world hate you – they know your vulgar violent ways, and they know you’re a bunch of bloomin’ hypocrites.


They know that whenever doomed-america sets up a base in their nation, prostitutes and pimps will flock to service you; STDs will run like lightning through the people; you’ll rape and murder; and you’ll leave the place in WAY worse shape than you found it.  You can hawk that blather about how heroic the military members are in this stupid nation; not with the rest of the world.


Worse (for you), God is sitting in heaven belly-laughing at you.  He sees how impotent is your rage; He knows your end destruction (He foreordained it; He designed it; and He’ll execute on it); and he knows that the wrath of men shall praise Him and the remainder He shall restrain.  You are beating at the air, my friend – and you look like a damn fool!


Meanwhile your duty is the same as every other human’s, to wit: fear God, keep His commandments, give Him the glory, and obey!  So simple, even for you simpletons.  Put away your filthy sin; humble yourself before the mighty hand of God; then the soldiers will stop dying; then you won’t have to worry your empty little head about whether we’re picketing.  See how nicely that could work out?


But it won’t. You won’t stop sinning. It’s too late for the dead soldier.

It’ll soon be too late for this nation. Your doom is certain and imminent.

You should have obeyed.



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