Letter To Megyn Kelly Regarding WBC Lawfully Preaching To This Doomed Nation

Good morning Megyn Kelly –

If you listen to the exchange I had with Ms. Bandaras, and the words she said about WBC and me before we began our discussion, you will see clearly that she had ONE purpose in asking me to come on that program.  She wanted to prop me up before the eyes of the Fox world and beat me up. 


I am just fine with that.  However, I am NOT fine to waste that time for that purpose ONLY.  There ARE words to be said at this hour.  I am the person at WBC that speaks to the nation more than any other person here.  Every day, I do radio, etc. or am standing on the streets and talking to the media.  We have been demonized, marginalized and vilified from sea to shining sea.  That too is fine.  But I have learned how to say some words in the midst of all that screeching.  Ms. Bandaras actually said that if you believe the Bible, you are going to hell.  She alone set the tone for that interview.  She wanted to call us crazies and other things and she did.  She thought that her hard speech and vicious assault would leave me unable to respond.  She was mistaken.  This nation thought they could kick God to the curb and set a naught all his commandments and his laws and his standards.  They thought they could turn Jesus Christ into a wimp and that God would bow to their will.  How foolish is that. 


God chose Israel and he would not let them get away with doing exactly what Doomed america is doing!  So we, at our own expense have gone forth, faithfully, every single day for 19 years.  Let me say that again.  Every single day for 19 years we have been on the mean streets of Doomed american.  We have been your entertainment.  You get great sport calling us names and suing us and don’t forget when I was standing outside Offutt Air Force Base in Bellevue, NE, and my #9 child (my husband and I have 11 children) stood on the flag, they arrested me.  That was three years ago and today, those charges still stand and they run me back and forth to that place by Omaha and have scheduled a trial for August 23.  You KNOW Texas vs Johnson is the LAW in this land and that standing on that flag was lawful.  I have a video of that event and it would make your skin crawl if you understood the facts of that event.  You are an attorney, so I know that you will understand how amazingly painful it is to say to a police officer that is in brute beast mode the following:  I said:  You should consult with your legal advisor before you do this because Texas vs Johnson is the law in this land.  The cop said – we are not in Texas. 



The details of all your outrages against us are seen by our God, and if you had any Bible knowledge at all, you would know that God is repaying this nation to your face for what you have done when he, IN HIS LAST ACT OF COMPASSION toward you – THAT IS WHAT HIS WORD IS – that sending his people to your streets with a final warning – it is his last act of compassion.  He then warns – LEAVE THEM ALONE.  If you mess with them, you have touched the apple of my eye and I will repay you to your face and I will reward you with what you have done.  So at the verdict time, after a LAWLESS trial under the facts of Snyder, IT WAS LAWLESS, it was a judge determined to put us on trial and a jury that was FULL of fury!  So at verdict time, they announced on the courthouse steps (this trial began the week that the stock market hit the very highest point EVER!) that they would take our homes, our money, our jobs, and send my 80+ year old parents, my dad, a faithful, humble preacher, to the streets.  WHERE WAS YOUR OUTRAGE THEN?! 


Woe unto this nation. 


All the while, we use every fiber of our energy and resources, ASKING FOR NOTHING FROM YOU AND TAKING NOTHING FROM YOU, to get you to see what you have done against your own interest.


This nation has taught their daughters to be simple sluts!  You have taught your sons to be brute beasts or effeminate sissies!  Then you pillory us when we say – HELLO – IS THIS THING ON?!  God promised blessings IF YOU OBEY HIM and curses if you will NOT OBEY HIM! 



We at WBC are able to have a civil conversation.  I have them every day all over the land and all over the world.  I just know how to get some words out no matter how you come at me.  But I will NOT be put before people that are in desperate need of the truth and waste that time just to be a whipping post.  I can do both.  If you LISTEN TO MY WORDS, I made the case to Ms. Bandaras that this nation has made God her enemy.  You know it is true, as you see the consequences of that. 


When this nation bombed my house with an IED before anyone knew want an IED was and there was no war and no 9/11, now the IED is the #1 killer of your children in Iraq, etc.  GOD is faithful and he means what he says.  We have been faithful to do our duty in the face of all your rage.  So God will take care of us and he will avenge himself and us because all you have done to us was because of our faithful service to God and to you in telling you the truth!  This nation will NOT have that man Christ Jesus to rule over them.  HE SAID:  If you love me, KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS!  If you say that you know me and keep not my commandments, you are a liar and the truth is not in you! 


Christ is NO wimp, he is on the way and he is enraged!!  Read the words that are written in the Book!  The time is so very, very short, the destruction of Doomed america is IMMINENT!!  

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