Letter In Response To John Ellsworth At CNN

Jael with beast flag apron 

Hello Mr. Ellsworth


Let me see if I understand – you claim these young men you send to battle without a moral compass, who come home in body bags, died for our right to speak.  But you want the Supreme Court to issue an opinion uprooting hundreds of years of established law so we can’t speak?  Can you say hy-po-crite?


Your hard-hateful-mentality is why the world hates this nation.  You claim to be loving, tolerant, civilized, and Christian.  Instead you are hateful, intolerant, barbaric, illiterate in all things, and hate all of God’s commandments.


What right do you think you have to try to stop the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ from saying “Thank God for dead soldiers?”  (Don’t pretend this is about a funeral being private.  You know these funerals are giant noisy splashy political military pep rallies, with bikers, citizens, politicians, media, and military piled up with flags and mouths wagging.  Just shut up with that lie.  This is about content of speech and you know it.)  What legal or Scriptural underpinnings do you have for that un-american God-less position?  Because you don’t like the words?  Because you’re an unthankful brute who has not once in his entire life given God the glory?  Because your conscience never gives you any rest because you did your boy wrong putting him in that position?


You know about rules of engagement, because you worship the military.  Well, sir, the faithless father who sued our church engaged the legal system, and it has some rules of engagement.  If you try to experiment with someone’s liberties in this nation, and you lose, you have to pay the out-of-pocket expenses.  You brag and bluster all around about what a nation of laws we are.  So obey the laws.  What’s so complicated about that?  And stop crying like a bunch of girls because a court makes you.


You disgrace the memory of the dead soldiers.  If there is a whisper of truth to the notion that they died for our right to speak, SHUT UP AND LET US SPEAK.  (Of course you know they aren’t fighting for our right to speak.  They’re fighting for the right of homosexuals to marry.  And the young people of this doomed nation to fornicate.  And the parents of the young people to commit adultery and swap spouses and partners more often than they change their stinky socks.  And for priests to rape children.  That’s all they fight for; the great sins of this once-great-and-now-cursed nation.)


So check this out ma’am:  The SCOTUS is going to uphold the law.  You’ll rant, rave, scream, and cry all the way to the end of that journey.  When they issue their opinion, this nation will go into a rage, because of drum-beating-cowards like you.  You mislead them just like you misled your child.  You won’t tell the truth, and you abuse the platform you have.  So you’ll get them all whipped up into a frenzy, and then they’ll be crushed when the Court does the right thing.


Then in all your patriotic sweat and fervor, you all will demand we be expelled from the land.  Then this nation will be done.  Do you hear me?  Done. You’ll stand there wetting yourself as you watch the great destruction that is imminent for this nation.  You will be without words, without remedies, and without excuse.  That, my friend, is going to be an amazing day.  And we pray to God for it every day, and thank God for its certainty.  So sue me.  Crybaby.  :yes:


Meanwhile, the soldiers continue to die for the sins of this nation; God continues to pour out his wrath on this nation; and it only gets worse from here.  This is a rebellious house; Bible-illiterate thugs who think they can force God to change; arrogant asses filling up the airwaves with their self-glorying, trying to steal God’s glory; and you have no intention of ever again obeying the Lord your God.  It’s too late for those dead soldiers, and it will soon be too late for this entire land.


Thanks for keeping our words out there.  That is a good day’s work.


Have a nice day.

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