The Three Events That Bring God’s Servants To Your Streets.


Reporter from the CBS affiliate in Charleston, SC. We see that you are planning several demonstrations in Charleston next week.

we were wondering what are the specific reasons why you chose the charleston area for your demonstrations?

is this the groups first time to picket in charleston?

-Nicole, Live 5 News In Charleston


Dear Nicole, faithless TV reporter from South Carolina who has been asleep at the wheel –

Thanks for asking.

The destruction of this nation is IMMINENT! We run to and fro now with urgency to get these words of warning to every eye or ear we can reach!  This nation has sinned away her day of grace, and the wrath from God is abiding upon you!

The events that focused us in your direction and began our trip were these:

1.       God is busy turning back the weapons that are in the hands of our military and has put the dirt cheap IED or Roadside Bomb into the hands of our enemies.  It is the #1 killer of the children of Doomed america in Iraq/Afghanistan.  THAT is a promise from God to such a nation as this.  A nation that teaches their children that God is a liar, and teaches their children that the commandments of God are ON THE TABLE to be disposed of at their will.  So now your military has meetings around the country called JIEDDO (Joint IED Defeat Organization) Conferences where they spend BILLIONS of dollars (mostly play money these days) and they look for young men in Doomed america that have a "Spidey" sense that might be able to sense where IEDs are buried.  YIKES!  They must not realize that Spider-man is just a character from someone’s imagination.  :)  I can’t make this stuff up!  You can see one article on this here:  Anyway, they are holding such a conference in your area.  We go and remind them – if this nation would OBEY HER GOD and have policies of obedience (instead of policies of adultery and murder of their babies and sodomy, etc. etc.), they would NOT have God as their #1 Enemy!  We say:  You will NEVER stop the IED if God does not take it away.  It is HIS work.  It is HIS answer to your disobedience.  Had you BOTHERED to READ HIS WORD (it is called The Bible), you would already know this.

2.       Your Governor teaches the people that adultery is JUST FINE!  He is clueless and he is the curse of God upon South Carolina.  You need such a man as that, as you are rebels against God.  Your legislature; in the cold light of day, with the wrath of God pouring out on your children, killing them and sending them home dead from the battle; passed a law that was calculated to keep the Word of God OFF your streets.  You targeted the faithful servants of God at WBC.  Oops!  Bad plan. 

3.       While we are in the area, since the high schools of Doomed america are a major place where our children are taught rebellion against God.  Since the day before they are on the Killing fields of our enemies, they are sitting in the homes, classrooms and so-called “churches” of Doomed america being taught that you can behave ANY WAY YOU CHOOSE and God will love you anyway!  YIKES!  Thus, you put a huge target on their back and then send them to wander in this world without hope and without God.  So, we firmly believe that those children that have been lied to by every adult that has touched their lives, are entitled to know what their God requires of them.  We don’t expect them to hear or heed our warning, but we will have done our duty to them.  Their blood will not be on our hands!

In short, the time is almost gone!  The destruction is ON THE WAY and you see the evidence of it all around you!  Your duty is to OBEY YOUR GOD! 

We have that message that is needed in South Carolina MORE than you need air or food or water.

Thanks for writing.

Thankful servant of the Living God in these last hours of the very last days of all!

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