Either Way, Christ Will Be Preached And We Will Rejoice!


From: Nick
Subject: Request For Comment

My name is Nick, a reporter from Oklahoma City.
Am asking for a comment from Pastor Phelps regarding the Supreme Court’s decision to hear the case involving Westboro.
Am interested if the church believes the Court will side with the Church?
If not, will the Church continue with its protests?


Dear Nick – the Supreme Court (the conscience of Doomed america) has caused the people to greatly err!  They crossed the line of no return when they told the people that they could murder their babies and then again told the people that they MUST respect fags.

So in the providence of God, with the destruction of this nation hanging over their head as an IMMINENT thing, our God will let us stand flat-footed on the ground and look those rebels in the eye and tell them that the blood of this nation is ON THEIR HANDS!!  God will require it of them.

As for what they do – well – we don’t care. 

There are two choices, to wit:

1.    OBEY THE LAW, in which case they will go along with the 4th Circuit
and they will confirm to the nation that if they don’t like the words on the signs, held peacefully and lawfully on the public right of way, they can drink a frosty mug of SHUT-THE-HELL-UP and avert their eyes.  OR,

2.    Take a large earth-mover and uproot the centuries of clear, plain
First Amendment Law that has ruled the day in Doomed america and say that you cannot tell a nation that is galloping to her destruction at a fast clip, that she is galloping to her destruction at a fast clip!  Or, they will say that you cannot mention hell or the wrath of God, that you cannot speak of the hatred of God and you cannot join in the national discussion about WHY IS GOD BLOWING THE FRUIT OF america TO BITS in Iraq with the IED. And, IS GOD BLESSING Doomed america, or is it in fact a CURSE when the child comes home in pieces in a body bag!  Or – you cannot discuss whether God going to deal with a nation TO HER FACE when she teaches her children that God is a liar and that his commandments are ON THE TABLE to be disposed of at their will!
In short, SHUT UP about God in the national debate!

Either way, it will be glorious!!  Christ WILL be preached and we WILL rejoice!!

Here is what we are heading to.  Whatever this court does, by the will of God, it will amount to a situation whereby we are going to get out of this nation.  If #1, the rebels will demand it; if #2, the rebels will demand it.
:)  I don’t see how that will exactly play out, but I see that is where we are heading.  Pursuant to the practice of our God, as laid out again and again and again, (Noah went into the ark and he was preaching to the Doomed antediluvian world; Lot preached to Doomed Sodom and he left there; Moses preached to Doomed Egypt and out he went; even as Isaiah and Jeremiah were preaching to Doomed Israel and Doomed Judah respectively) and when the servants of God are tucked away, nice and tidy, that nation’s destruction comes!
Stay tuned for that goodness.  Think projectile rebels!!  Shaking, quaking, much fire and the besom of destruction. 

Meanwhile – will we keep picketing?  YOU BET!!  Friday I will, the Lord willing, be in Spiro, OK doing my DUTY to God and man!

Thanks for asking!  The time is so very, very short!  The destruction is IMMINENT!!

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