Treasuring Up Wrath Against The Day Of Wrath

I hope that you completely understand that you are the worst person in the whole entire world. And in case you are wondering, no, I am not gay. I am a straight male, upstanding citizen, attending Fort Hays State University. I hope that you get what god has waiting for you. There is a special layer of hell for men like you. A layer that will torment and torture your mind for all eternity. Do you not understand the need to be tolerant? I am not gay, but I understand that people choose their own way in life. I was born under a strict Baptist household, and I have read the bible twelve times. You cannot disban anything I say [Ed: Chad is only one in a long line of upstanding, smart college students whose words we can’t disban]. Because I assure you that I am smarter, and much more understanding than you will ever be.

Leave Kansas,



Dear Chad-

Who you talkin to? You think this is one person here? Or, have you gotten it clear in your little rebel brain that this is ONE BODY?


Why you tell us what you are? Who are you trying to convince? God knows it all rebel.


As for your little discussion on hell – good for you – how good is it that you know this. If you know, that means many know – and of course, you also know that means you have no excuse to be lying to your fellow man about God and his intention to send the rebels against him to hell for ever and the worm never dies and the fire is never quenched – that is what Christ said and he quoted Isaiah 66 and so with all that knowledge that you have your email is a demonstration of your rage against God. You hate that doctrine of hell and you hate that God will send the vast majority of this earth there shortly now, even as he sent all but 8 souls to hell in the flood.


Well Chad – too bad about your rage. You can’t change God, and trying to pretend that a faithful message from your God, faithfully reporting what HIS WORD ACTUALLY SAYS, is what will get you in trouble with God is simply disingenuous. Shame on you.


Here it is Chad – the time is short – so very, very short – the destruction of this nation is IMMINENT! But then, you likely know that as well and that also makes you rage. But you have NO power to fight God so you have two choices – fear and OBEY YOUR GOD, or just go to hell quietly. When you barf out an email like the one you sent below and lie about reading the Bible (12 times – really – goodie, goodie – how did that look? Yikes) and then promptly take the name of the Lord your God in vain – WOE unto you.


Now, hush with your pride and rebellion and consider your latter end and put the question squarely on your lying, hating parents – WHY DID GOD DESTROY SODOM?


Anathema Maranatha

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