“Let God Be True, But Every Man A Liar!” Romans 3:4 (Our Visit To Hampton Roads).

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Subject:  Visit To Hampton Roads (Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Portsmouth)

I’m writing from WVEC-TV in Norfolk, VA. I wanted to find out if there is a specific reason your group is coming to Hampton Roads and what your response to critics is. I’m didn’t know if someone is available to talk by phone or if a prepared statement is available. We are doing something for our 11pm newscast tonight (02.24), but I’m sure we will have some coverage of the visit in the days to come as well.

Thank you,

Brian Farrell

Dear Brian Farrell –

We go to Hampton Roads because this silly nation and specifically her blind military leaders, all of whom FAILED to read the Word of God before they put their hand to flip him off.  He promised to turn back the weapons in their hands and fight against them personally in fury!  He promised to put weapons in the hands of their enemies that they cannot beat.  So how that looks is on the ground for rebellious Doomed american military is this:  IED!  We thank God for that righteous judgment against this nation.  We come to Hampton Roads because the brutes that run the military will NOT repent and OBEY THEIR GOD, NO – they hold meetings called JIEDDO!  It means – and I’m not kidding, I could not make this stuff up – Joint IED Defeat Organization.  Yikers! 

Here is the problem that they have.  The college fag in Topeka Kansas used an IED to bomb our church for standing peacefully on the public sidewalks with our hats in hand begging this nation NOT to go the way of Sodom.  So the fag bombed us.  The government refused to even investigate.  We had to offer a $5,000 reward.  Woe unto this nation who is ignorant of the promise of God to the nation he would destroy, so I will give the bullets here:

• His last act of compassion is to send his servants to your streets to warn you!
• He said:  LEAVE THEM ALONE, for if you mess with them, you touch the apple of my eye!
• He said:  What you do to them, want to do to them or try to do to them, I WILL DO TO YOU!
• Oops – that IED that was NOT dealt with.  Now God has put that into the hands of your enemies.  They are dirt cheap!  BAD MISTAKE! For when your God repays you, he is so much better than you at getting the job done!

Now Brian, if you want answers for why since October, 2007 your nation has taken a horrible slide to the bad side, look at what you did to us the week AFTER your stock market hit the highest point ever!  You will find your answer.

So, inasmuch as they meet, we greet with the Word of God to tell them again – if you will REPENT, it will go well for YOU!  It is too late for Doomed america, HER DESTRUCTION IS IMMINENT!! 

Inasmuch as the hating and rebellious parents of this foolish nation have taught their children from the cradle that God is a liar and that his commandments are on the table to be disposed of at their will and that it is truly ALL about them – YIKES!  We will be going to some high schools.  That is ground zero for training the rebels and breaking their moral compasses.  You taught them that when God said NO adultery, fornication, murder – well – FORGET THAT!  You can change your sex partners and spouses (Christ said divorce + remarriage = adultery) more than they change their stinky socks!  Further, if you produce a baby in all that, KILL IT!  God said homosexuality is abomination – you told them – WRONG – it is OK to be gay!

We will show them what good looks like.

Inasmuch as this nation has put The Beast, Antichrist Obama into the most powerful office in that world, you now have a very short time table.  Events described by the prophets and the Lord Jesus Christ are now coming into view.  Two of them relate to our beloved Jewish brothers/sisters.  So we have words for them because you see, THEY ALSO must OBEY THEIR GOD!  That whole murdering Christ thing – that breaking the covenant with God thing – well – God has promised first an outpouring of his wrath, he calls it a final indignation against them and then, that will make Hitler and all the other horrors the Jews have experienced look like a pinky out tea party.  Then, of those left living, God will have mercy upon 144,000 of them.  How lucky are they.  He will pour upon them a spirit of grace and of supplications and they will look upon the Lord Jesus Christ and they will mourn for him as one mourns for their only child!  It will be amazing.  Those will be some Jews that KNOW how to behave.  They will not DARE let some woman call herself Rabbi, and more.

Oh and by the way – we don’t use phone books!  Further, after our visit, things will NEVER be the same in your communities, as we bind these standards of God to the people just as if they had chains and fetters of iron on them!  :)

Thank for asking.

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