Pervert Provost Pokes God In The Eye

Luci General 11


Dear Editor,


You would think when the provost of a fancy-pants school like Stanford opens his mouth, he wouldn’t lie.  You arrogant Stanford asses are as tolerant as a cowardly marine at an Al Qaeda family reunion. 


Oh sure, any filthy sexual behavior you encounter, you tolerate.  Any goofy human philosophy that makes you feel important, you tolerate.  Any puffed-up politician who  talks about this prideful “super power” nation, you tolerate.  Any simple slut (boy or girl) with body parts hanging out, you tolerate.  Any false prophet proclaiming God’s obligation to bless your tatty disobedient butts, you tolerate.


But God help the soul with a few kind words of Bible truth and warning, urging you to stop sinning away your last day of grace, and acting like damn fools against your own self-interest. You have zero tolerance for God’s standard or anyone who follows it.  That’s why you slashed our tires, spit on us, slapped your bloody flags in our faces, and mocked, threatened and cussed us.  A girl can only take so much Stanford-style “tolerance!” 😀


Stanford is like every other college and high school in this doomed nation: illiterate, arrogant, vain, empty, lazy, self-indulgent, greedy, idolatrous, worthless and filthy.  You have raised a generation of brutes and left them a legacy of curses; no jobs, no homes, no economy, and no hope.  You taught the twin lies, that God is a liar and it’s OK to be gay.  Now it’s too late.  Your destruction is imminent.  The only hope for anyone in this foul land is to come out from among them and save yourself from this untoward generation.


Ecclesiastes 12:12-13: And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh. Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.


No exceptions Mr. Provost Pervert!  Unless you obey God, you and your posh overprized education will perish!


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