Lying Lascivious LDS!

Two Mormon “activists” are being threatened with excommunication:

Why?  They are advocating greater acceptance of fags, and woman preachers.


Let us break this down for you:

*Mormons are filthy adulterers

*Mormons will marry young girls, like the pedophile Muslims

*Mormons will make you pay way more than 10% of your income to keep that monstrous machine going

Therefore, the only conceivable reason they would not want fags around is that means less victims (uh) wives.

They happened upon Bible truth with the no women preachers rule.

This song is perfect for these pervert Mormons: because they love and make a lie, early and often to prey on their victims.

This Bible verse fits them to a tee:  Romans 2:1 Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things.

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