GodSmack: Arkansas Shoot-out

THANK GOD FOR TWO LITTLE ROCK OFFICERS SHOT! The servants of God have crisscrossed this nation, watching your officers in action.  Too many are puffed-up, prideful, oath-breaking, mocking-malcontent police.  This nation has abandoned God’s laws, teaching the citizens to abandon man’s laws; leaving violent armed marauders everywhere. Friday (3/26), a shoot-out during a drug-search left two Little Rock police shot and injured.  GodSmack! Will they be thankful God has left them alive to repent and obey?  No!  You will bow down before them; they will be more puffed up.  Their brethren-in-blue will seek revenge on the shooting-thugs.  Stinky unconstitutional mess all around. It’s what you deserve.  Violent anarchy in the streets is coming because you won’t obey.

No mercy for the merciless!  With the merciful thou wilt shew thyself merciful; with an upright man thou wilt shew thyself upright, Ps. 18:25.

Be not merciful to any wicked transgressors. Selah, Ps. 59:5.

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