GodSmack: Congress Crybabies!

YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING US! Several weenie Congress persons have been whining to the media lately that they have received threatening e-mails, voice mails and physical acts (bricks through windows, etc.) due to the controversial health care legislation. Now Rep. Cantor jumps into the fray, saying he has had the same thing happen to him, in part because he is a Jew. 

 Crybaby House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer says “more than 10 lawmakers have been harassed in some way.”  And so on.


WBC receives dozens – sometimes hundreds – of threatening e-mails and voice mails a day.  Physical violence and property damage to WBC members is common place. Yet you phony “leaders” are silent as the tomb; indeed, you encourage it with your unconstitutional laws you pass against WBC.  Why?  Because we plainly tell you God has cursed you and this nation is doomed!

God appropriately repays you to your face!

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