Even You “I Support Everything You Do, EXCEPT…” Types Get The Same Ultimatum: Obey Or Perish!


How are you? I support everything that you do; however, I have one small request for you and your followers:

Please don’t protest at any more funerals–especially at the one of the nine-year-old girl. She was so precious!


Hello Jason.

I’m afraid your second paragraph erases your first. And I’m afraid that second paragraph has the hiss of Satan all over it.

When God brings the sword to a person or nation, there is an Ezekiel 3 and 33 duty to open your mouth and say stop sinning or you will die in your sin and land in hell. God is bringing the sword to this nation in so many ways. How can we but open our mouths and say the words, unless we hate our fellow man?

Every human is depraved and deserves hell at conception. That child was not precious; and she was lied to by every adult around her. We have no reason to think she had salvation; no external evidence upon which to make such a claim. And above all, she was most certainly not precious. This is imposing your human standards on top of God’s, which is what “judge not” says not to do.

So while I appreciate your kind tone, it is not the coin of the realm. Telling your fellow man to flee the wrath to come with plain words of warning, that are timely and topical-that is how you love your neighbor and that is the coin of the realm here in Zion.

Thank you for writing. Obey God. Ultimatum time is here: Obey or perish.


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