Dear WBC: You Don’t Know What You’re Talking About When You Say The U.S. Is No Better Than ISIS.

Thou Shalt Not Kill Arlington

Dear WBC,

In response to this Video News you produced: 

Please forward this to Brent Roper. Dear Mr. Roper, you don’t know what you’re talking about, if you say that the U.S. is no better than ISIS. Lynndie England and the other U.S. soldiers who participated in the crimes at Abu Ghraib in 2004 were prosecuted and punished, as was a U.S. soldier who raped a 15-year-old Iraqi girl and then killed her and her family in a separate atrocity.

Do you think that the ISIS leaders are going to prosecute the jihadist who murdered Jim Foley, or arrest and prosecute the other Sunni extremists who have been rampaging around, killing, raping, robbing, abducting and “forcibly converting” Iraqi and Syrian Christians, Yazidis, Shiite Muslims and others? If you think so, then I’m sorry but you’re a ding-a-ling. Those crimes literally define ISIS (with very few exceptions), while the U.S. crimes do NOT define the U.S. in general.

I also disagree with the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003, and I do not feel that it was justified. However, the mere fact that people in the U.S. (including yourself) are allowed to publicly speak out against George W. Bush and Dick Cheny (some people have even talked about initiating potential legal action to prosecute them for war crimes), suggests that the U.S. and ISIS are NOT equally bad.

If you think that the U.S. and ISIS are morally equivalent, then why don’t you travel to an ISIS-held area in Iraq or Syria, and hold up signs reading “Thank God for Dead Muslims” and openly burn a Qu’ran, as some WBC members have done in the past? No? I didn’t think so.  Actually, you wouldn’t even have to do that; you’d be killed or enslaved simply for being Christian in the first place.


Brian from Seoul, ROK


Dear Rebel against God –


Doomed USA does not prosecute those that committed crimes against the citizens of Iraq, for the most part.  The man that exposed the crimes at the Iraq prison, was treated terribly.  Only a blind, hard-hearted rebel against God would DARE suggest that the crimes of one brutish nation are worse than those of another.  The worst of ALL their crimes is their rebellion against God.  After you cast aside God Almighty and his word, the ONLY thing left is the terrible path to the promise of God, to wit:  All nations that forget God will be turned into hell! (Psalm 9:17)  That path to hell for one nation will be on this wise, and for another, on that wise.

You AND we don’t even know a tithe of the heinous crimes that Doomed USA has perpetrated on the global stage.  Do you think that those U.S. military beasts that are mowing down journalists and other citizens in the video at the end of Brent Roper’s Video News, were prosecuted?  NO – the only prosecution for those crimes was upon the little fag military minion (Bradley Manning) that released that video.  Oh, and for his crimes, he gets the government of Doomed america to pay for his sex-change operation, as he sits in prison.  Some days I just feel like saying right out loud – THESE PEOPLE ARE SO CONFUSED!!!  Then I rejoice because I know that it is a marvelous work of God!!

Meanwhile, the servants of God at WBC, guided by the Lord our God, with the promise of the Holy Spirit moving in us and speaking through us, will continue to tell you plain words of truth.  Your hatred of that concept is a matter that you and the rest of this generation must take up with God!

One final note: Dick Chaney is a brute animal, sent as a curse from the Lord our God to this filthy and rebellious nation.  The truth is not in him and murderous rage and filthy deeds are in him. He props up and pimps his dyke daughter.  He has no shame.  He is preserved by God for the day of his destruction.  If you think that God respects persons, you are wrong.  Even as Elijah stood on the ground in his day and told the king that God Almighty will NOT tolerate his evil, filthy and rebellious deeds, and that it would bring the destruction of Israel (the 10 tribes) and brought the awful drought, by his prayers, upon them, WBC will thankfully and happily do that duty toward the leaders of our day.  If Dick Chaney does not repent, he will spend eternity in hell with all those that he caused to be murdered by the Doomed American war machine.  WOE, WOE, WOE unto that man and unto this nation and unto this generation.

The Lord is coming, take the sign already.

Thanks for writing.

Your friends at WBC.

PS. God sent Westboro Baptist Church to Iraq already, and we stood on the streets in Bagdad and held forth the Gospel of Peace.  Further, we also burned the Quran.  You can Google those matters and see for yourself. GET UNDERSTANDING!!  God Almighty has jurisdiction over ALL of his creation.  If He will have us here or there, HE makes that happen.  God’s ARM is not shortened by the raging of Satan and his minions!

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