God Hates The Media


WBC VIDEO NEWS PRESENTATION: http://signmovies.com/?tab=news&vid=20140805ghtm


We have been asked many times recently (often fliipantly or even in a mocking tone), why do we say that God hates the media? Because God says that he hates the media.

“The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest all workers of iniquity.” (Psalm 5:5)

All of the mainline media, from TV, to film, radio, music, print, online and social media, are workers of iniquity. Let us count the ways: first – every one of you are moral midgets that promote sin as an acceptable, alternative lifestyle that is to be championed, lauded, applauded, legislated for, pushed, pimped and rammed down the throats of the moral lemmings you cater to. Call the rolls – TV, radio, film, print, web, music, social media – which of you doesn’t cavalierly, with both hands, work iniquity – pushing the filth of sodomy down the throats of your audiences? Serial adultery? (aka divorce and remarriage?) Abortion (aka murder?) And the grand daddy of all moral filth – same sex marriage?

Next – every one of you media agents out there spend considerable time vilifying, marginalizing and demonizing those who would, out of kindness, love and humility toward God, warn you of the danger of embracing these sins as acceptable moral behavior. Which one of you hasn’t lifted up pen, or cameras, or microphones, or thumbs, against the saints of God at WBC (and others) simply for warning you against doing that which is clearly displeasing and angering to God as plainly pronounced in scripture? No one escapes this charge. Call the rolls – TV, radio, film, print, web, music, social media – every last man jack of you are guilty of this monstrous sin and will give account of it to your maker on that great and terrible day.

Next – though you hide behind the wafer-thin veil of journalistic objectivity and integrity, none of you has done even the smallest shred of source-checking or research to see if what we say is accurately expressed in the bible (at least in terms of reporting). While you pander to luke-warm ‘christian’ audiences in selling them diapers and apple juice and chia pets and adjustable beds, you never once say something as mildly true as – ‘as unpopular as their doctrine may be, the views expressed by the Westboro Baptist Church are, in fact, accurately reflected in scripture’. If you said that, you’d be through. Finished. Caput. So even those of you who know we speak the truth, sweep it under the rug with all you have. You are all workers of iniquity, and God hates all workers of iniquity – none of you will stand in his day.

Further – each one of you, from production assistants to editors to producers, performers and CEO’s, from cable TV to cinema to music and all forms of online and social media, are cogs in considerable platforms – or megaphones, so to speak. You each irresponsibly use those great communication platforms that reach millions each to encourage your neighbors to sin. The definition of loving your neighbor as yourself is the opposite – you are supposed to warn your neighbor when you see them falling into some sin – and not suffer it upon them (See Leviticus 19:17).

Some folks don’t have a real voice to help their neighbors in this sober, moral regard. But you all do. And you all not only fail miserably, but you do so with great purpose. And it is a great shame. Further still – what little talk you do with regard to Christianity, God, Christ, Heaven, Hell, and the consequences for sin you bastardize and mangle horribly, making each generation worse that the one previous – all the while either accusing or excusing one another. In this, you major in the minors – you are the makers of lies – you each claim moral leadership of a sort, and you scatter and confuse people with your moral pyschobabble.

You each will give an account to God Almighty – who made you, who holds your breath of life in his hands, and who knows and controls your eternal destiny – your long home. Your only hope is to truly repent – or you will perish in your sins and spend eternity in hell.

God indeed hates the media. Amen.

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