The Promised Fire Is Coming — For An Example, See Colorado!

The Fire Is Coming

See this Westboro video production, here:

One of the wonderful things about serving the God of the Bible is that he keeps his promises.  “Hath he said, and shall he not do it?”  (Numbers 23:19).

God promises judgment on those who willfully ignore his dictates and flaunt his commandments.  We have many Biblical examples of such judgments, including Noah’s flood, Sodom’s fiery destruction, ancient Israel’s subjugation, and so on.

Societies who travel the same path as old Sodom (think the United States of America) will suffer the same type of judgment – God’s word for it, they will suffer the “vengeance of eternal fire.”  (Jude 7).  The Revelation of Jesus Christ tells us our Lord’s eyes at the end times are “as a flame of fire.”  (Revelation 1:14)

It’s all about the fire, America!!

It’s all around you America.  This divine promise is being kept virtually on a daily basis.  The most recent example is Colorado on fire!  Record-setting fires are happening across this country, both as to size, extent and monetary damage.  Stay tuned for more of this unique and appropriate punishment from Almighty God.  After all, He promised it, and “shall he not do it?”


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