God Hates The Royals & Your Royal Idolatry

God Hates The Royals

British MP’s are plotting to change the Succession to the Crown Bill, to prepare and allow for gay kings, queens & ‘children’ of same-sex ‘couples’. Thoughts?


According to the Babylonian Talmud, the last offense against God, before He sent the Flood was same-sex marriage, and the people writing songs to glorify their filthy conduct in same-sex marriage and in sex with animals.  To have the members of the UK Parliament making plans to further worship those so-called “royals” and the filthy fag portion of them, is a work of God and it is marvelous in our eyes!

Our dear Lord Jesus Christ said such would be the face of the generation when He returns. So we rejoice at all such as you have forwarded here.

Thanks for writing.

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