So Let’s Summarize The Watermarks Of A True Ministry Of A Church Of Christ, Straight Out Of The Bible



The opening chapters of the Gospel of Mark are one of the many places in the Bible you can read about the ministry of Jesus Christ while he was on this earth.  Read the words!  Here are some samples –

  • Jesus was famous; his fame spread abroad.  Mark 1:28; 6:14.
  • Jesus traveled to towns, villages, cities and countries.  Mark 6:56.
  • Our Lord’s words were published so much he could “no more openly enter into the city.”  Mark 1:45.
  • His enemies conspired with the government as to “how they might destroy him.” Mark 3:6.
  • The crowds listening to Jesus preach were so huge that he had to have escape plans; for example, a “small boat” in which he could get away in case the throng  of humanity overwhelmed him.  Mark 3:9.
  • Christ was accused of being Satan.  Mark 3:22.
  • Jesus had to have a buffer zone as he preached; for example, he stood on a boat with his audience on land, the water serving as a protective buffer.  Mark 4:1.
  • The true ministry of Jesus and his followers featured great storms, winds, threatening waves and more upheavals, so that his disciples feared perishing, but Jesus stilled it all and gave his followers “a great calm.”  Mark 4:39.
  • His message was “repent!”  Mark 6:12.
  • Jesus marveled at the unbelief of his own countrymen.  Mark 6:6.

So, let’s summarize the watermarks of a true ministry or church of Christ, straight out of the Bible –

  • Famous;
  • Constantly traveling;
  • Publishing;
  • Facing government-sponsored opposition;
  • Escape plans;
  • False accusations;
  • Buffer zones while preaching;
  • Controversy;
  • Unbelieving countrymen; and,
  • A strong message of repentance.

My friends, I have just described Westboro Baptist Church to a “t”, your daily slanders notwithstanding.  And, I challenge my readers to name for me one other so-called “church” that meets these Bible criteria.

Concerning Westboro Baptist Church —

  • She is famous the world round;
  • She is constantly traveling;
  • Her message is published globally;
  • Virtually every state in this nation has passed laws against her, and other countries ban her members from entering;
  • Her missionaries often need escape plans to get out of town;
  • She is daily deluged with false claims and accusations;
  • Her preaching is often done on the streets with physical barriers or buffer zones in place;
  • She is constantly in the midst of controversy;
  • She is surrounded by Bible-dumb American citizens; and
  • She preaches repent or perish!!!

In conclusion, we at WBC have a Bible-based, rational basis for asserting we are a true and genuine church of that Jesus Christ who walked and preached on this earth – not some hippy peacenik character that you have invented from whole cloth.  So, go ahead with your uninformed petitions to declare us otherwise.  We have the Bible on our side.

And one final thing:  The good thing about using boats for escape plans is, you can’t slash tires on a boat!   Just sayin’.


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