WBC Is Exactly Where The Lord Placed His Church To Preach To You!


If there is so much wrong with America why won’t you move to a different place?



Because we will OBEY God.  He put us here and here we will stay to do this job that he gave us to do.  He will have this ministry. If we should turn our backs and rebel like the rest, he can raise up ROCKS to speak to you! HE DOES NOT NEED US. So, we strive every day to please our God and to do those things that are pleasing in His sight.

How about you get your eyes in the right place and be thankful for the fact that God has left a very small remnant of people that will not bow their knee to your idols and false gods, so that you have not been fully consumed off this land already.  It is the time of the restitution of all things and you would do well to make God your ALL.

Thanks for asking.

Your friends at WBC.

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