Another One Bites The Dust


In follow-up to our conversation this morning, do you have any parodies about Glen Burnie?



Good morning Sara –

Thank you for talking this morning. I checked our parody, and I find that we do have words directed to Glen Burnie in this good song that parodies Another One Bites The Dust:

 Another One Bites The Dust (Parody of ―Another One Bites The Dust, by Queen)

Ohhhh – Let’s go!

You walk proudly down the street

And stand in the sinners’ way.

You sit in the scorner’s seat.

You ought to get ready to pay.

Were you ready – hey – for the shooter to come?

Onto your military base?

Out of His presence the Godsmacks come

They’re coming now apace –

Yeah. I.E.D.’s – Another one bites the dust

Off his meds – Another one bites the dust

And another one down

And another one down

Another one bites the dust

Hey, God’s gonna get you too

Another one bites the dust

How do you think you’re gonna get away

From the judgment of your God?

You tried to take everything that we had.

Now feel His smiting rod.

You murderers started up a war

You die from IEDs

Out of His presence the Godsmacks come

At the pace of His beat.

Watch out! Muslim’s mad-

Another one bites the dust

Student’s sad-

Another one bites the dust

And another one down

And another one down

Another one bites the dust

Hey, He’s gonna get you too

Another one bites the dust

A soldier bites the dust

A judge bites the dust – Ow!

A teacher bites the dust – heh–hey

A child bites the dust – hey –ey – ey –ey – ey

Ohhhh—shut up brutes!

There are plenty of ways that He can kick your ass

And bring you to the ground.

He will find you He will bind you You won’t get a pass.

He’s gonna bring you down.

Glen Burnie – sent the pervert to them

 Knocked parents off their feet

Out of His presence the Godsmacks come

They’re coming at the pace of His beat.

Made God mad–Another one bites the dust

You re-bel–Another one bites the dust

And another one down

And another one down

 Another one bites the dust

Hey, He’s gonna get you too

Another one bites the dust

We are here to serve!

Your humble friends at Westboro Baptist Church

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