Obey Today UK!


I’m from the UK and giving a speech to my class about you guys and your general beliefs.I was wondering whether you might have a message for us that I should tell them. (it will make my speech really interesting!) Thanks, Henry

Hi Henry-

We are so happy to tell you that if there is any God-fearing soul that resides in the doomed land of UK, to come out of her and serve God in spirit and in truth! Come here to Mt Zion! An amazing tale has happened right in your country. Members from the Westboro Baptist Church have been banned from entering your God-hating land (citing “it is for the greater good”), while God mocks you by causing these blessed Words of Life to flood your land daily. You know, Henry, it is all about these words, whether we are physically in your land or not is irrelevant. We receive tons of emails daily from the UK confirming that the foolish efforts of your God-hating government have come to naught! Louis Theroux and the BBC have come twice to take the words right back into your living rooms in their 2007 and 2011 documentaries “Most Hated Family in America” and “Most Hated Family in Crisis.” We would not be surprised if they returned for a  third visit because these words are too hard to resist. We could not have written that script how the Lord would cause these words to explode all over the world from those films that were intended to mock and ridicule the saints of God. We didn’t have to pay one dime and your country, that so hates these words, did the preaching for us. So we say THANK YOU!

Now isn’t that great stuff right there, worthy of rejoicing? Better yet, we have a thankful soul from the UK that loves the Lord. What a testimony against the UK!

So, we say, “Obey today, UK!”

Your friends at Westboro Baptist Church

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