Words Of Life: Thank God For Dead Soldiers

In your best interest you will not be picketing my fellow brothers death. This is to take place in Anderson California.I have read that you will be there with your nonsense. I strongly advise that you are not there. My fellow infantry brothers and myself will be there to remove you from the site. This is a memorial for a brave American. You obviously do not have what it takes to serve your country, therefore leave the men who ate alone.


Dear Criminal Military Thug —

It’s in YOUR best interest that WBC be there, and so we will be. This Word of God that we come to deliver to all of you that will be going in to worship the dead carcass of your “brother” is life and health to you
— in fact it’s called the Word of Life (Philippians 2:16; 1 John 1:1).
You brute military thugs don’t know how to fight your way out of a wet paper bag, you certainly don’t know how to “remove” WBC from the site.
Put away your crying towel and pick up your passy and put in back in your mouth. You need to be very, very quiet and understand that the servants of God at WBC have been given a commission from God to go forth
into all the world and preach His word — deliver these words of life unto you (Mark 16:15). We are your best friends, and it appears we are your only true friends. We are not going to stand by and watch this nation go to hell in a hand basket without warning you why this nation is in the condition it is in and warning you of your doom. This message is for the living. Your “brother” is in hell. There is no hope for him. He fought for fag marriage and for a country who has rejected God and is doomed, and he died for his sins, your sins and the sins of this nation. You would do well to remove yourself from the military and put away your pride and arrogance and humble yourself under the mighty hand of God and plead for God to have mercy on your soul and forgive your sins that you have committed against God. You would do well to eat these words that WBC is delivering unto this nation and drink them up and live in them and love them. They are the only hope that there is for your soul. America’s has no military might unless God gives it to you and since you have rejected God, God has rejected you, and you have no strength or wisdom, God is your enemy. (Jeremiah 21:4-5). You will never win another war and your soldiers are coming home in body bags.
Praise God!!! Instead of heeding the warning from the servants of God you are growing all the more angry, and you are steeped in your sin to such a degree that you cannot say that there is a lie in your right
hand. (Isaiah 44:20). God did that and it is glorious to behold.
These are the works of our God and they are marvelous in our eyes.
(Psalm 118:23; Matthew 21:42; Mark 12:11) We do not fear man — we fear God.

Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep His Commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. (Ecclesiastes 12:13)

See you in California; thanks for writing.

Your best friends at Westboro Baptist Church

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