Paterno: Filthy, Selfish Pervert Elevated To False God Status!

Signs Of The Times

Hello, as you can see from my email, I go to the Pennsylvania State Univeristy, and if your brains can’t figure it out, that’s Penn State University. You have no idea who Joe Paterno is and how much could he has done. You sit around and hear what the media is feeding you, and now you’re attacking Joe Paterno, who are you people? You say you’re fixing America of its sins, but you people are the sinners. You’re just upset that Joe Paterno is more recognizable than the pope, hell, Paterno has probably influenced more people than the pope. The sinners, to use your terminology, are being punished, Paterno is just catching back lash because of the PR crisis up here and you ignorant people are just eating it up. Who gives you the right? You are not
God, nor anyone of importance. To be honest, God is looking down on your group in shame right now.


Dear Tyler –

Did you just say that Joe Paterno is catching backlash from a PR crisis?! Really?! Do you think that the children that were raped think it is a PR crisis? Amazing.

Let us help you with who Joe Paterno is. He is a human being. He was given a place, a gift from God, where he had a HUGE MEGA-PHONE that he had a DUTY to use to encourage his fellow man to obey God. HE FAILED in that DUTY! Under HIS WATCH, Penn State became a place where the young people of Doomed america go to become professional, drunken, whores. PERIOD. For 45 LONG YEARS, that wretched bastard let that school elevate him to the status of their false god. The shame of that picture is dripping out, sloshing really, all over this nation. That old man has one foot in the grave and another on a banana peel. When he shortly stands before God in the Judgment, he will stand ashamed just before he enters hell for ever, unless, by an act of mercy upon him by the God that created him, he repents. That does not look promising.

Meanwhile, you should shut your mouth, and begin to worry about YOUR OWN never dying soul. You personally owe a duty to apologize to each of the children that were raped by Penn State University and every member of that school. You all paid that filthy, selfish pervert to rape those children. You gave him a comfortable power base from which he could work his wickedness will over those youngsters. Before you open your mouth about WHO Paterno the pervert is, you should first consider cutting out your tongue! Above all, you should repent and obey the commandments of God and make that your hope and your purpose every day, and love every minute of it!

This nation is facing her full, final and complete destruction, and you are busy pimping perverts. SHAME on you.

Thanks for writing.
Your friends at WBC



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