“I Showed Your Hatemongers Documentary In My Church & The Film Was Well Recieved”

Dear WBC:

Thank you for the
Hatemongers DVD. I showed in my church and the film was well recieved. The WBC
message has come to Australia! I have one question: what is Pastor Fred Phelps
and the WBC opinion on Lyndon LaRouche? www.larouchepac.com and www.larouchepub.com

Lyndon LaRouche was
born in New Hampshire but has lived in Virginia for most of his life to be
close to Washington D.C he is 89 years old born in 1922 he has been married
twice and has one son. He has stood for U.S President seven times once for the
U.S Labor Party and six times for the Democratic Party same as Fred Phelps!

I believe Lyndon
LaRouche and Fred Phelps have a lot in common: they both share strong
opposition to homosexuality; in the 1980s LaRouche proposed PANIC California
proposition 64 to stop AIDS and homosexuals spreading it in Los Angeles and San
Francisco. Lyn was active on it before Fred Phelps who started his active
campagn in 1989.

My question is should
I be a Lyndon LaRouche supporter and be a part of his organisation, or should I
walk away from it and study the Bible more and become less active in politics?

Thank you for taking
the time to answer my question. It shows that you care as a christian should.

Best Wishes,


Perth, Western


Hi Daniel –

Thanks for your
email. I’m glad you enjoyed the film; the message is one of great gravity. One
topic that the film didn’t cover (as it wasn’t squarely on the landscape yet)
is fag marriage, which is now legal in several states here in the U.S. and in
many countries around the world. This is a harbinger of the coming of the Lord
in power and glory to execute His vengeance against this evil world. Marriage
is a type of Christ and His Bride, the church, and the forces of Satan have worked
to defile that type, committing the ultimate, smash-mouth insult against God.
So I’ll connect some dots for you (and I hope you’ll share this with your
church and your pastor, as you did the film Hatemongers):
any person who supports, condones or enables, through their affiliation or
worship at a church, the satanic doctrine that ‘God loves everybody,’ is by
that act enabling fag marriage, and is in
pari delicto
(equally culpable) for its acceptance and practice in
the world. It is this foul and heretical doctrine, elsewhere called Arminianism
(named for Jacobus Arminius), that is responsible for the sinful condition of
the world. Make no mistake: the preachers are to blame, and both they and their
congregations will foot the bill at the hand of an angry God.

This is the most serious of matters. There is only one other time in history, that being the
antediluvian world (just prior to the flood of Noah), when men wrote marriage
contracts between one another (and women with women). We’re not just talking homosexual
activity; we’re talking governmentally and religiously sanctioned ‘unions’
(which means that the government and the churches are all in on the heresy and
perversion in the eyes of God, not just fags themselves). The time of the
restitution of all things draws near – very near. Luke 17 expresses it

“And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of
man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage,
until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed
them all. Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank,
they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; But the same day that Lot
went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them
all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed. In that
day, he which shall be upon the housetop, and his stuff in the house, let him
not come down to take it away: and he that is in the field, let him likewise
not return back. Remember Lot’s wife.” Luke 17:26-32

In short, you can’t just sit idly by, agreeing that homosexuality is wrong, and then go about your
neat, tidy lives. Any God fearing man or woman is given the strictest of duties
to preach the truth of the scripture to the whole world – without timidity or
ambiguity. It goes like this:

“Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their
transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins.” Isaiah 58:1

Cry aloud, Daniel!

Your preacher should cry aloud, Daniel! And if he doesn’t (or even worse, if he
is a ‘God loves everybody’ Arminian heretic), then run from him and get to the
church! You have a duty to God, to your family and to all of God’s elect to
commit your ways unto the Lord, forsaking this evil world. Moses was raised in
the lap of luxury – a king’s adoptive grandson – but there came a time when God
showed him what he must do:

“By faith Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s
daughter; Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to
enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season; Esteeming the reproach of Christ
greater riches than the treasures in Egypt: for he had respect unto the
recompence of the reward. By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of
the king: for he endured, as seeing him who is invisible.” Heb. 11:24-27

As for your question about Larouche: he is an evil, money-grubbing thief (spending time in jail for
stealing from people) and is bound for hell. His agreement in his own mind that
homosexuality is wrong is really no different from a blind hog finding an
acorn. He didn’t believe it because of a humble heart of obedience to his God;
it’s his own sense of righteousness (man-made) that motivates him. Pastor
Phelps is a humble man who has spent all of his days since the age of 16,
serving the Lord in fear and laboring in the word DAILY. Phelps knows the
Bible, by the hand of God, better than any man alive on earth today; he is
nothing like that fool. You’re majoring in the minors here, Daniel. You have
bigger fish to fry. The Lord is coming.

One question that might be telling for you: why are you contacting us and not your pastor? One
would think that stumbling upon kindred spirits in Christ would be enough to make a person leap for joy and never rest until contact, and in fact, fellowship and communion, could be made.

If your pastor is preaching the Bible right, then he would want to talk to us and would be
aligned with us on all these things (reasoning through the Scripture with
humility and fear in all those places where we were not currently aligned, as
the church must and does become of one accord in all important matters). If, on
the other hand, he is not preaching it right, then you must get out of there
now and get to the church! You KNOW where the Bible is being preached right.
You can’t forsake the assembling together with the saints of God in favor of
preserving a little slice of paradise in Perth.

Go with us – the way is good!

Please take these words with the gravity, sincerity and humility with which they are meant. The
Lord had me move my family across the country 10 years ago to be at the church,
forsaking all. If there was another true church somewhere, I probably would not
have felt compelled to get here. But there wasn’t that I knew of. And I
searched high and low, as part of my research for the film that you just
watched – Hatemongers.

Again, thanks for writing – I am glad to answer any questions that you have. Feel free to email
me anytime.

Best regards,

thankful member of
Westboro Baptist Church

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