We Must All Appear Before The Judgment Seat And Receive The Things Done In This Body



hello, today at school we watched a documentary about your church, and I’m confused about your way of life and choices.Can you please explain to me what makes you spread hate? I cannot see in any way how that is christian.

– Holly

Hello Holly-

You should start by taking a look at the FAQ:
http://www.godhatesfags.com/faq.html. This should help answer some of your questions.

We don’t spread hate; that is just an erroneous generalization, not an accusation. We are preaching to hard-faced and hard-hearted rebels against God, those who disobey the plain and simple commandments of their very Creator who demands that they give due obedience to Him. Some of the sins this nation loves include sodomy, fornication, adultery, murder (abortion; the armed forces slaughtering innocent people in Afghanistan/Iraq, etc.).

God IS God; what He says/does/commands is righteous for the very fact that He IS God. However, if you don’t believe that there is a God, or you believe that God loves everyone, then you are headed straight for Hell. Both of these are lies from the bowels of Hell and Satan himself, to keep the masses of mankind totally deceived.

By telling you these words, most people claim that we hate our neighbors; to the contrary, we love you all in the most important manner, and really the only pure way: the love for your soul. We don’t want to see you split Hell wide open; we want you to repent and acknowledge that God IS God, so we warn you that if you keep sinning, God will kill you and send you to Hell (after all, God ALONE kills and makes alive). However, if you will have it no other way, we will not lose sleep knowing you will stand before the Judgment Seat of God and receive the things done in the body (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14).

Thanks for writing,

Westboro Baptist Church

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