God’s Hate Is Perfect And Righteous Everytime


Dear WBC –

I was watching 60 minutes last night( sunday 19 june 2011) in new zealand about your hatred towards people who are homosexual etc. I Remembered the reporter asked about people who have murdered and asked why you dont hate them and you said that is because they have admitted there sin, but what i see is that many people nowadays are coming out and confessing that they are gay. so isnt that the same as admitting there sin (if you believe it is a sin) like the criminals do. I admit i do not agree with your veiws and they way you go about telling people about it but i dont judge either i believe everyone has a voice for a reason and people can choose to listen or not. Thank you for reading this.



So glad New Zealand was given some Bible truth. The Lord has blessed this ministry in that this little church in the middle of Doomed america preaches to the whole world. We are so thankful to be a part of any of it.

Few things to clear up. We do not hate anyone. We preach the righteous and perfect hatred of the Creator to the proud rebellious sinner. It is His decree that sodomites are abominable and worthy of death. Our message is one of love to our fellow man to not do so wickedly in supporting, teaching or promoting that filthy soul-damning sin. The widespread acceptance of the sins of fornication, adultery (including remarried persons), idolatry, murder (including the killing of the unborn), bestiality, and lying, raping priests, pastors, and rabbis have given an open door for the militant fags to take over nations one by one, demanding acceptance and fag marriage. There is no moral authority any longer to oppose the fags because these God-hating nations have completely tossed aside God’s laws in pursuit of every lust and filthy desire before them.

The world is DOOMED! See www.godhatestheworld.com and click New Zealand.

Ps 9:17 The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.

We have no grudge against anyone. The Lord is who forgives and grants salvation. There is no salvation without repentance. All nations of the world have crossed the line. Destruction is Imminent!

Come out of the doomed land of New Zealand and obey! It is your only hope.

Thanks for writing!

Your friends at Westboro Baptist Church

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