WIR #23

Psalm 101:1  « A Psalm of David. » I will sing of mercy and judgment: unto thee, O LORD, will I sing.

South Korean US envoy was attacked: http://bbc.in/1BXHUV8

Meth or Cocaine or Water?: http://ab.co/1Nif0lu

God confuses “scientists” with jaw: http://ab.co/18ky8yr


Ebola terror persists: http://nyti.ms/1DUZ0ht

Another cop bites the dust: http://on-ajc.com/1aSx9Y9

CNN puts “former” meth head in charge of “news”: http://bit.ly/1HbyqEc

‘merica surprised their star(s) are drug addicts: http://bit.ly/18ZBUyB

Oath-breakers fussing at oath-breakers: http://nyti.ms/1Fp9mIJ

http://nyti.ms/1Goql1t #FergusonReport

China has fools like this saying, “The forest is God”: http://bbc.in/17ZycUx

Then Asia wonders why nobody can find MH370 a year on: http://ti.me/1Fpa9tb

Today is 50 year anniversary of “Bloody Sunday” Selma march: http://usat.ly/1wOca2W

Congrats, first black #POTUS is actually fag #POTUS: http://tmsnrt.rs/1zZdV7U

Meantime, in Mimapur, India they’ve lost their minds!: http://abcn.ws/1A6oJ5c

Famous adulterer Harrison Ford in plane crash: http://abcn.ws/1wZ4dCh

PSA “Don’t sleep and drive” buses: http://abcn.ws/18ZDAYO

Just Yuck: http://usat.ly/1wOd1AH

Timely approach: http://cnn.it/1NtccBZ

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