Shut-It Media Mutts!

God hates the world, and continues to demonstrate it by permitting the filthy scribes to dictate morals, and mores!

In this article by the Daily Mail is just one of numerous examples:

They are fussing at a mother for punishing her daughter after the nit-wit posted a semi-nude picture on her Facebook account.


Why do you think she did that?  The girl knows why she was punished, and even posted another video explaining why, and that she supports her mother for giving out the punishment.

This nation despises their children, and will not tolerate any parents who DO NOT despise theirs.

#Shame on all of you for that!

Here’s the standard via one of several verses on the subject: Proverbs 19:18  Chasten thy son while there is hope, and let not thy soul spare for his crying.

Fear God, not man, and definitely NOT the lying media!

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