Child or Skunk? Are U Drunk?

Thank you Heavenly Father for giving these brutes such delusions!

While the mass media fawns over fags, and then calls #WBC “delusional” for believing the Bible, a Pennsylvania 9-year-old was shot during celebration of DOOMED america’s pagan ritual.  Thought she was a skunk!

Read about that here: DumbAssShotKidBecauseLookedLikeSkunkNOT


There are numerous ways God is repaying Pennsylvania for being silent while one of your fag fellow statesmen file a lame lawsuit with the expressed purpose to stop the picketing ministry of this little church.

Read Matthew Chapter 25 on that topic!

And this pretty well sums it up, as well: Proverbs 3:33  The curse of the LORD is in the house of the wicked: but he blesseth the habitation of the just.

You will never be safe from God because you will never repent of your idolatrous lifestyles.

The God of #WBC is Jealous and Vengeful.  Deal with it!

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