GodSmack: True Colors

Praise God for making these hypocritical money-grubbing African-Americans show their true colors!


Al Sharpton is seen all over the media fussing at the white bred hypocrites of DOOMED america for trying to hijack the Freedom Train, while his tag-along’s, like Jesse Judas Jackson, sat silent as MLK’s tomb when fags did take over two decades ago!

Proving what WBC has been saying all along.  These lock-jawed Judas Goats have long ago stopped fighting for legitimate civil rights in this nation.

This is Exhibit A, and a wonderful work of God:

Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do. Hebrews 4:13

Praise Our God – He never knew Martin Luther King, Jr. (the whoremonger) and He does not fight for ANY PERVERTS.

God Hates HYPOCRITES of all colors!

Fear Him!

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