GodSmack: Fogotten God

THANK GOD THE FOX NEWS FOOLS HAVE QUESTIONS!  WBC HAS ANSWERS!  HeadlineWhat Happens When America Forgets God! America HAS forgotten God, you ignorant brutes!


GodSmack, you lying, blind rebels against God!


Romans 13:9  Thou shalt not commit adultery (DIVORCE + REMARRIAGE = ADULTERY!  Luke 16:18),  Thou shalt not kill (The blood of hundreds of thousands of your Iraqi neighbors and millions of your babies, drips from your hands!), Thou shalt not steal, (you stole untold thousands from WBC), Thou shalt not bear false witness, (you pay lying false prophets who litter your landscape to lie about God!), Thou shalt not covet; (you covet everything, where to begin?), Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself (equals: REBUKE/PICKET!  You REFUSE to OBEY this commandment!).


Psalm 9:17  The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.


Beautiful in its simplicity, NO?!  Your destruction is IMMINENT; begin at Priests-Rape-Children!

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