GodSmack: Texas Toast

THANK GOD FOR SMACKING THE FALSE PROPHETS OF TEXAS, TURNING THEIR WHOREHOUSES INTO TOAST!   In the five weeks of this year, 10 Texas ‘churches’ have gone up in flames.  That is a Texas-sized GodSmack for you rebellious brutes and false prophets.  Two things we specifically thank our all-powerful God about:  First, this nation stood by clapping when criminals – at your urging and praise – tried to burn our Church, from which we were mercifully protected.  But what you try to do to us, GOD DOES TO YOU.  Second, when a nation is fully doomed, it is filled with false prophets — the 660,000 ‘churches’ of Doomed america are overflowing with false prophets DELIBERATELY lying about God because they are paid to do that.  Bad mistake – you get the first and worst punishment!  We fervently pray for your imminent final destruction and sing praises to God for these foretastes of His wrath!!

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