Obama: Liar, Liar, Pants Aflame

antichrist inaug

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America is a unique creature.  Born of religious persecution and hardship by men and women who had the courage to wipe the dust of Europe off their feet and tread a road into an unknown but certain future, America was born and cradled by that merciful God who in His will saw fit to move the seat of great preaching and instruction from where it had sat for several hundred years with the likes of Augustine, Luther, Calvin, the Waldenses, Bunyan, Gill, Owen, and others.  The LORD decided to pluck up His seat of truth from the now largely pagan Old World, and thunder His righteousness from those pulpits of the New.  Despite every effort made by Rome and Satan’s other cronies, God would have the words of life and truth spoken, as He has for all of mankind’s existence, even up until this day through WBC, and He chose a new place in the world from which to deliver them.  Those brave souls embarked upon a great journey to America and taught their children the ways of God, and they taught their children, and the Lord our God preserved a remnant in this nation to see to it that the US Constitution should be written and amended, insuring that His people would have a place in the last days from which to “cry aloud, spare not, lift up their voices like a trumpet and shew the people their sins” (Is. 58:1).  God made it so a rag-tag bunch of untrained, under-armed, under-supplied farmers, moonshiners, blacksmiths and tinkerers could overthrow the rule of the mightiest military power of the day, Great Britain. God did that.  Then God had John Leland fight for the 1st amendment to the Constitution insuring every American’s right to worship Him in peace.

God truly did bless America.

He made her a land of laws, a land founded in the concept of equality.  He made her a land founded on the principles found in Holy Scripture.  Just as Israel in the days of King David had such great promise and prospered for many years, America had a bright future and her prosperity seemed boundless.

Of course,  America pissed on all of that and raised their middle finger to Him as soon as it was convenient for them to start congratulating themselves on all they had accomplished and take great pride in this thing they had built, just as Nimrod did with his great tower of Babel (Ge 11:1-9).  That great long pissing session has continued even to this day, with your great leader, Barack Hussein Obama again taking the lead.

With his most recent inaugural address, Mr. Obama has laid open the startling blasphemy with which he intends to rule this nation, and eventually the world, and we should examine some of that blasphemy in more detail.

He did get one thing right when he said that we, “as citizens, have the obligation to shape the debates of our time – not only with the votes we case, but with the voices we lift in defense of our most ancient values and enduring ideals”.  Amen to that.  That’s what we at WBC call preaching.  That’s what we call lifting up our voices in defense of God and Truth against you howling sycophants of the devil and hell.  We defend the most ancient values of “thou shalt not kill” and “thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind; it is abomination”, just as those who founded America did.  We fulfill our obligation to you, fellow citizens, not out of some misplaced sense of idolatry called patriotism, but out of our duty to you and most importantly to God.  SO, listen to the tyrant, errr, president you elected, and SHUT UP about our preaching.  Thank us rather than vilify us.

Now, Mr. Obama, hear some vigorous defense and fulfilling of our obligation in your general direction.

How dare you call upon the name of God in any manner, much less in reference to the pursuit of Life!  How, sir, do you intend to help  the 4,000 babies whose blood you bathe in each day pursue that great American value – pursuit of LIFE, much less liberty and happiness!  You are awash in their blood, you declare openly that if the daughters you have spawned follow in your whorish footsteps you will slaughter their unborn off-spring, but you crow about the value of Life!  Hypocrite, we call you, sir!  You are a liar and a murderer, as your father the devil was before you (John 8:44).  You would declare and remind us all that life is an unalienable right, and yet you denied that right to some 1 million souls last year.  You dare to call upon the name of your God as though you are a righteous man, when that God said “Thou shalt not kill” (Ex 20:13).  You are no man of God, sir, and your blasphemies will be judged.

You speak of the “devastating impact of raging fires, and crippling drought, and more powerful storms” in the same breath you speak of Stonewall as a great achievement in American history.  Yes, Stonewall, a great American achievement!  The Stonewall Inn, the beginning of open fag violence against this nation is now on par with the abolition of slavery.  You spit on the blood shed by those who brought you the Constitution you crow about, sir, and you name yourself an enemy of God when you call clean that which is unclean.  “Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind, it is abomination” (Lev. 18:22).  When you blaspheme in such a manner, you personally insure that the devastation you so rail against will only intensify.  More storms, more fires, raging drought, disease, famine and more will fall upon your head from the same God that caused His blessings and mercies to fall upon those who rightly called upon His name and followed His commandments at the dawn of this nation.

With your inauguration, Mr. Obama, America did not “continue a never-ending journey” as you say.  There is an end to this nation, on a fixed date, at a fixed time; this evil whore of a nation will most assuredly end.  You need only look to the book of Daniel and the frolick of Belshazaar’s court to see that this is so, or look to the book of Genesis and the sudden and calamitous end of billions of souls in the days of Noah.  Look to your science, which roundly declares that the Flood of Noah happened, and look to God’s Words for the reason why – “the earth was filled with violence” (Gen 6).

You speak of the equality of all America’s citizens, yet you would “grind the faces of the poor” (Is 3:15).  You seek to destroy WBC with your laws outlawing our preaching, and bankrupt us in your courts.  We  are the poor Isaiah speaks of, not those who have squandered their lives living for the devil and hell and therefore have no material goods!  You pass laws against the words of life we speak, and entertain the mob mentality that says you can silence those whom you disagree with, and sign petitions to outlaw their very existence.  You set the tone, Mr. Obama, you set the zeitgeist of unrighteousness that shreds that Constitution you swore to defend and uphold with your hand on a Bible.  We call you a liar, sir!

The time of Christ’s return is at hand.  Come out of this corrupt mass and be separate, little sheep.  Do not take the mark of this Beast, but put your trust in the Lord your God, as those souls who set out across the ocean did those many years ago.  Let God Almighty be your refuge, not the lies of this charlatan who thinks to make himself a god.


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